Saturday, December 20, 2008

President George W. Bush is leaving with one of the lowest approval ratings in the history of numbers

Lets blame everyone but himself. And to think he is moving to Dallas could you imagine him being your neighbor? A very sad legacy in the HISTORY of United States of America. And really I think it was more about the Republican Ideology than it was about him. Heaven help America and I pray we get back on track.


Anonymous said...

His legacy will be that he got us into an unnecessary war that has maimed and killed thousands of our country's finest and bankrupted our nation and almost destroyed our Constitution with his misaligned heavy handed policies. God forgive him for the damaged he has done.

Anonymous said...

And I guess Congress(Rep.&Dem.) had nothing to do with it?

Collectionsite said...

They ALL had to do with it. And our children are going to pay.

el chupacabra said...

The funny/odd, however you want to look at it thing about this subject is if it weren't for Iraq he would have been remembered as one of our most beloved presidents in spite of himself.