Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Texas Motor Speedway Job Fair Jan 31st

We are having our annual EVENT STAFF Job Fair and it is scheduled for Saturday Jan. 31st from 9 am til noon.

The location will be in the Infield Cafeteria at Texas Motor Speedway. We would like to get as much participation as possible and jobs of every variety are available
These positions are for the up coming racing season. They are not long term professional jobs so you will not need a resume.
(All the drivers positions are filled at this time :)
If you are tired of just sitting in a seat and want a totally new exciting racing experience then these are the jobs for you. Everything needs to be looked at in perspective ...
They are PAYING YOU to watch a race !!! Only in America. God I love the Red White and Blue :)

Employees also get a free camping spot located outside turn 4 across from the helicopters. Things you will need to apply ...

1) Drivers Licence or School I.D.
2) Copy of Birth Certificate and/or Social Security Card
3) Must pass a pre employment racing question. (We need to judge your intelligence)

Here is the Question in case you want to study ......
What Color is the Checkered Flag? (You would be surprised how many fail this question).

I have some wonderful positions with me in the suites so if you come out please let me know you read it on the blog.


The Accomplice said...

I've worked there a few times in the past. Lots of drunks walking around.

Collectionsite said...

Yes you are right. I have addressed that issue and some others at our last staff meeting. Some changes I have mentioned are to have Taxi's/Limos available on request and address scalpers taking advantage of the customers (Alot of fake tickets sold).

Its a fine line at the Nascar events between keeping it a family friendly atmosphere and a fan friendly atmosphere. Many of our customers save all year for this event and it is their vacation.

Me and my staff go out of our way to make it a fun and safe event.